Source code for sqlalchemy_mptt.mixins

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# Copyright © 2014 uralbash <>
# Copyright © 2016 Jiri Kuncar <>
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

SQLAlchemy nested sets mixin
# SQLAlchemy
from sqlalchemy import Index, Column, Integer, ForeignKey, asc, desc
from sqlalchemy.orm import backref, relationship, object_session
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_method
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr

# local
from .events import _get_tree_table

[docs]class BaseNestedSets(object): """ Base mixin for MPTT model. Example: .. code:: from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, create_engine, Integer from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from sqlalchemy_mptt.mixins import BaseNestedSets Base = declarative_base() class Tree(Base, BaseNestedSets): __tablename__ = "tree" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) visible = Column(Boolean) def __repr__(self): return "<Node (%s)>" % """ @declared_attr def __table_args__(cls): return ( Index("%s_lft_idx" % cls.__tablename__,, Index("%s_rgt_idx" % cls.__tablename__,, Index("%s_level_idx" % cls.__tablename__,, ) @classmethod def __declare_first__(cls): cls.__mapper__.batch = False
[docs] @classmethod def get_default_level(cls): """ Compatibility with Django MPTT: level value for root node. See """ return getattr(cls, "sqlalchemy_mptt_default_level", 1)
@classmethod def get_pk_name(cls): return getattr(cls, "sqlalchemy_mptt_pk_name", "id") @classmethod def get_pk_column(cls): return getattr(cls, cls.get_pk_name()) def get_pk_value(self): return getattr(self, self.get_pk_name()) @declared_attr def tree_id(cls): return Column("tree_id", Integer) @declared_attr def parent_id(cls): pk = cls.get_pk_column() if not = cls.get_pk_name() return Column( "parent_id", pk.type, ForeignKey("{}.{}".format(cls.__tablename__,, ondelete="CASCADE"), ) @declared_attr def parent(self): return relationship( self, order_by=lambda: self.left, foreign_keys=[self.parent_id], remote_side="{}.{}".format(self.__name__, self.get_pk_name()), backref=backref( "children", cascade="all,delete", order_by=lambda: (self.tree_id, self.left), ), ) @declared_attr def left(cls): return Column("lft", Integer, nullable=False) @declared_attr def right(cls): return Column("rgt", Integer, nullable=False) @declared_attr def level(cls): return Column("level", Integer, nullable=False, default=0)
[docs] @hybrid_method def is_ancestor_of(self, other, inclusive=False): """ class or instance level method which returns True if self is ancestor (closer to root) of other else False. Optional flag `inclusive` on whether or not to treat self as ancestor of self. For example see: * :mod:`sqlalchemy_mptt.tests.cases.integrity.test_hierarchy_structure` """ if inclusive: return ( (self.tree_id == other.tree_id) & (self.left <= other.left) & (other.right <= self.right) ) return ( (self.tree_id == other.tree_id) & (self.left < other.left) & (other.right < self.right) )
[docs] @hybrid_method def is_descendant_of(self, other, inclusive=False): """ class or instance level method which returns True if self is descendant (farther from root) of other else False. Optional flag `inclusive` on whether or not to treat self as descendant of self. For example see: * :mod:`sqlalchemy_mptt.tests.cases.integrity.test_hierarchy_structure` """ return other.is_ancestor_of(self, inclusive)
[docs] def move_inside(self, parent_id): """ Moving one node of tree inside another For example see: * :mod:`sqlalchemy_mptt.tests.cases.move_node.test_move_inside_function` * :mod:`sqlalchemy_mptt.tests.cases.move_node.test_move_inside_to_the_same_parent_function` """ # noqa session = Session.object_session(self) self.parent_id = parent_id self.mptt_move_inside = parent_id session.add(self)
[docs] def move_after(self, node_id): """ Moving one node of tree after another For example see :mod:`sqlalchemy_mptt.tests.cases.move_node.test_move_after_function` """ # noqa session = Session.object_session(self) self.parent_id = self.parent_id self.mptt_move_after = node_id session.add(self)
[docs] def move_before(self, node_id): """ Moving one node of tree before another For example see: * :mod:`sqlalchemy_mptt.tests.cases.move_node.test_move_before_function` * :mod:`sqlalchemy_mptt.tests.cases.move_node.test_move_before_to_other_tree` * :mod:`sqlalchemy_mptt.tests.cases.move_node.test_move_before_to_top_level` """ # noqa session = Session.object_session(self) table = _get_tree_table(self.__mapper__) pk = getattr(table.c, self.get_pk_column().name) node = session.query(table).filter(pk == node_id).one() self.parent_id = node.parent_id self.mptt_move_before = node_id session.add(self)
[docs] def leftsibling_in_level(self): """ Node to the left of the current node at the same level For example see :mod:`sqlalchemy_mptt.tests.cases.get_tree.test_leftsibling_in_level` """ # noqa table = _get_tree_table(self.__mapper__) session = Session.object_session(self) current_lvl_nodes = ( session.query(table) .filter_by(level=self.level) .filter_by(tree_id=self.tree_id) .filter(table.c.lft < self.left) .order_by(table.c.lft) .all() ) if current_lvl_nodes: return current_lvl_nodes[-1] return None
@classmethod def _node_to_dict(cls, node, json, json_fields): """ Helper method for ``get_tree``. """ if json: pk_name = node.get_pk_name() # jqTree or jsTree format result = {"id": getattr(node, pk_name), "label": node.__repr__()} if json_fields: result.update(json_fields(node)) else: result = {"node": node} return result @classmethod def _base_query(cls, session=None): return session.query(cls) def _base_query_obj(self, session=None): if not session: session = object_session(self) return self._base_query(session) @classmethod def _base_order(cls, query, order=asc): return ( query.order_by(order(cls.tree_id)) .order_by(order(cls.level)) .order_by(order(cls.left)) )
[docs] @classmethod def get_tree(cls, session=None, json=False, json_fields=None, query=None): """ This method generate tree of current node table in dict or json format. You can make custom query with attribute ``query``. By default it return all nodes in table. Args: session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session Kwargs: json (bool): if True return JSON jqTree format json_fields (function): append custom fields in JSON query (function): it takes :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query` object as an argument, and returns in a modified form :: def query(nodes): return nodes.filter(node.__class__.tree_id.is_(node.tree_id)) node.get_tree(session=DBSession, json=True, query=query) Example: * :mod:`sqlalchemy_mptt.tests.cases.get_tree.test_get_tree` * :mod:`sqlalchemy_mptt.tests.cases.get_tree.test_get_json_tree` * :mod:`sqlalchemy_mptt.tests.cases.get_tree.test_get_json_tree_with_custom_field` """ # noqa tree = [] nodes_of_level = {} # handle custom query nodes = cls._base_query(session) if query: nodes = query(nodes) nodes = cls._base_order(nodes).all() # search minimal level of nodes. min_level = min([node.level for node in nodes] or [None]) def get_node_id(node): return getattr(node, node.get_pk_name()) for node in nodes: result = cls._node_to_dict(node, json, json_fields) parent_id = node.parent_id if node.level != min_level: # for cildren # Find parent in the tree if parent_id not in nodes_of_level.keys(): continue if "children" not in nodes_of_level[parent_id]: nodes_of_level[parent_id]["children"] = [] # Append node to parent nl = nodes_of_level[parent_id]["children"] nl.append(result) nodes_of_level[get_node_id(node)] = nl[-1] else: # for top level nodes tree.append(result) nodes_of_level[get_node_id(node)] = tree[-1] return tree
def _drilldown_query(self, nodes=None): table = self.__class__ if not nodes: nodes = self._base_query_obj() return nodes.filter(self.is_ancestor_of(table, inclusive=True))
[docs] def drilldown_tree(self, session=None, json=False, json_fields=None): """ This method generate a branch from a tree, begining with current node. For example: node7.drilldown_tree() .. code:: level Nested sets example 1 1(1)22 --------------------- _______________|_________|_________ | | | | | | 2 2(2)5 6(4)11 | 12(7)21 | | ^ | ^ | 3 3(3)4 7(5)8 9(6)10 | 13(8)16 17(10)20 | | | | | 4 | 14(9)15 18(11)19 | | | --------------------- Example in tests: * :mod:`sqlalchemy_mptt.tests.cases.get_tree.test_drilldown_tree` """ if not session: session = object_session(self) return self.get_tree( session, json=json, json_fields=json_fields, query=self._drilldown_query )
[docs] def path_to_root(self, session=None, order=desc): """Generate path from a leaf or intermediate node to the root. For example: node11.path_to_root() .. code:: level Nested sets example ----------------------------------------- 1 | 1(1)22 | ________|______|_____________________ | | | | | | | ------+--------- | | 2 2(2)5 6(4)11 | -- 12(7)21 | | ^ | / \ | 3 3(3)4 7(5)8 9(6)10 ---/---- \ | 13(8)16 | 17(10)20 | | | | | 4 14(9)15 | 18(11)19 | | | ------------- """ table = self.__class__ query = self._base_query_obj(session=session) query = query.filter(table.is_ancestor_of(self, inclusive=True)) return self._base_order(query, order=order)
[docs] def get_siblings(self, include_self=False, session=None): """ Creates a query containing siblings of this model instance. Root nodes are considered to be siblings of other root nodes. For example: node10.get_siblings() -> [Node(8)] Only one node is sibling of node10 .. code:: level Nested sets example 1 1(1)22 ______________|____________________ | | | | | | 2 2(2)5 6(4)11 12(7)21 | ^ / \ 3 3(3)4 7(5)8 9(6)10 / \ 13(8)16 17(10)20 | | 4 14(9)15 18(11)19 """ table = self.__class__ query = self._base_query_obj(session=session) if self.parent_id: query = query.filter(table.parent_id == self.parent_id) else: query = query.filter(table.parent_id == None) if not include_self: query = query.filter(self.get_pk_column() != self.get_pk_value()) return query
[docs] def get_children(self, session=None): """ Returns a query containing the immediate children of this model instance, in tree order. For example: node7.get_children() -> [Node(8), Node(10)] .. code:: level Nested sets example 1 1(1)22 ______________|____________________ | | | | | | 2 2(2)5 6(4)11 12(7)21 | ^ / \ 3 3(3)4 7(5)8 9(6)10 / \ 13(8)16 17(10)20 | | 4 14(9)15 18(11)19 """ table = self.__class__ query = self._base_query_obj(session=session) query = query.filter(table.parent_id == self.get_pk_value()) return query
[docs] @classmethod def rebuild_tree(cls, session, tree_id): """ This method rebuid tree. Args: session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session tree_id (int or str): id of tree Example: * :mod:`sqlalchemy_mptt.tests.cases.get_tree.test_rebuild` """ session.query(cls).filter_by(tree_id=tree_id).update( {cls.left: 0, cls.right: 0, cls.level: 0} ) top = ( session.query(cls) .filter_by(parent_id=None) .filter_by(tree_id=tree_id) .one() ) top.left = left = 1 top.right = right = 2 top.level = level = cls.get_default_level() def recursive(children, left, right, level): level = level + 1 for i, node in enumerate(children): same_level_right = children[i - 1].right left = left + 1 if i > 0: left = left + 1 if same_level_right: left = same_level_right + 1 right = left + 1 node.left = left node.right = right parent = node.parent j = 0 while parent: parent.right = right + 1 + j parent = parent.parent j += 1 node.level = level recursive(node.children, left, right, level) recursive(top.children, left, right, level)
[docs] @classmethod def rebuild(cls, session, tree_id=None): """ This function rebuid tree. Args: session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session Kwargs: tree_id (int or str): id of tree, default None Example: * :mod:`sqlalchemy_mptt.tests.TestTree.test_rebuild` """ trees = session.query(cls).filter_by(parent_id=None) if tree_id: trees = trees.filter_by(tree_id=tree_id) for tree in trees: cls.rebuild_tree(session, tree.tree_id)