
Initialize Flask app and sqlalchemy

from pprint import pprint
from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

from sqlalchemy_mptt.mixins import BaseNestedSets

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:////tmp/test.db'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

Make models.

class Category(db.Model, BaseNestedSets):
    __tablename__ = 'categories'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(400), index=True, unique=True)
    items = db.relationship("Product", backref='item', lazy='dynamic')

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Category {}>'.format(self.name)

class Product(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'products'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    category_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('categories.id'))
    name = db.Column(db.String(475), index=True)

Represent data of tree in table

Add data to table with tree.

db.session.add(Category(name="root"))  # root node
db.session.add_all(  # first branch of tree
        Category(name="foo", parent_id=1),
        Category(name="bar", parent_id=2),
        Category(name="baz", parent_id=3),
db.session.add_all(  # second branch of tree
        Category(name="foo1", parent_id=1),
        Category(name="bar1", parent_id=5),
        Category(name="baz1", parent_id=5),


The database entries are added:

"id"  "name"  "lft"  "rgt"  "level"  "parent_id"  "tree_id"
1     "root"  1      14     1        1
2     "foo"   2      7      2        1            1
3     "bar"   3      6      3        2            1
4     "baz"   4      5      4        3            1
5     "foo1"  8      13     2        1            1
6     "bar1"  9      10     3        5            1
7     "baz1"  11     12     3        5            1

Lft of root element every time \(1\).

\(root_{lft} = 1\)

Rgt of root element always equal 2 * quantity of tree nodes.

\(root_{rgt} = 2 * | P |\)

\(root_{rgt} = 2 * 7 = 14\)

The tree that displays the records in the database is represented schematically below:

  1                  1(root)14
                |                   |
  2          2(foo)7             8(foo1)13
                |               /         \
  3          3(bar)6        9(bar1)10   11(baz1)12
  4          4(baz)5


Drilldown tree for a given node.

A drilldown tree consists of a node’s ancestors, itself and its immediate children. For example, a drilldown tree for a foo1 category might look something like:

Drilldown for foo1 node

  1                  1(root)14
                |         ----------|---------------
  2          2(foo)7      |      8(foo1)13         |
                |         |     /         \        |
  3          3(bar)6      | 9(bar1)10   11(baz1)12 |
                |         --------------------------
  4          4(baz)5
categories = Category.query.all()

for item in categories:
<Category root>
[{'children': [{'children': [{'children': [{'node': <Category baz>}],
                              'node': <Category bar>}],
                'node': <Category foo>},
               {'children': [{'node': <Category bar1>},
                             {'node': <Category baz1>}],
                'node': <Category foo1>}],
  'node': <Category root>}]

<Category foo>
[{'children': [{'children': [{'node': <Category baz>}],
                'node': <Category bar>}],
  'node': <Category foo>}]

<Category bar>
[{'children': [{'node': <Category baz>}], 'node': <Category bar>}]

<Category baz>
[{'node': <Category baz>}]

<Category foo1>
[{'children': [{'node': <Category bar1>}, {'node': <Category baz1>}],
  'node': <Category foo1>}]

<Category bar1>
[{'node': <Category bar1>}]

<Category baz1>
[{'node': <Category baz1>}]

Represent it to JSON format:

def cat_to_json(item):
    return {
        'id': item.id,
        'name': item.name

for item in categories:
    pprint(item.drilldown_tree(json=True, json_fields=cat_to_json))
[{'children': [{'children': [{'children': [{'id': 4,
                                            'label': '<Category baz>',
                                            'name': 'baz'}],
                              'id': 3,
                              'label': '<Category bar>',
                              'name': 'bar'}],
                'id': 2,
                'label': '<Category foo>',
                'name': 'foo'},
               {'children': [{'id': 6,
                              'label': '<Category bar1>',
                              'name': 'bar1'},
                             {'id': 7,
                              'label': '<Category baz1>',
                              'name': 'baz1'}],
                'id': 5,
                'label': '<Category foo1>',
                'name': 'foo1'}],
  'id': 1,
  'label': '<Category root>',
  'name': 'root'}]

[{'children': [{'children': [{'id': 4,
                              'label': '<Category baz>',
                              'name': 'baz'}],
                'id': 3,
                'label': '<Category bar>',
                'name': 'bar'}],
  'id': 2,
  'label': '<Category foo>',
  'name': 'foo'}]

[{'children': [{'id': 4, 'label': '<Category baz>', 'name': 'baz'}],
  'id': 3,
  'label': '<Category bar>',
  'name': 'bar'}]

[{'id': 4, 'label': '<Category baz>', 'name': 'baz'}]

[{'children': [{'id': 6, 'label': '<Category bar1>', 'name': 'bar1'},
               {'id': 7, 'label': '<Category baz1>', 'name': 'baz1'}],
  'id': 5,
  'label': '<Category foo1>',
  'name': 'foo1'}]

[{'id': 6, 'label': '<Category bar1>', 'name': 'bar1'}]

[{'id': 7, 'label': '<Category baz1>', 'name': 'baz1'}]

Path to root

Returns a list containing the ancestors and the node itself in tree order.

Path to root of bar node

level      ---------------------
  1        |         1(root)14 |
           |             |     |
           |    ---------------|-----
           |    |    -----------    |
  2        | 2(foo)7 |           8(foo1)13
           |    |    |          /         \
  3        | 3(bar)6 |      9(bar1)10   11(baz1)12
  4          4(baz)5
for item in categories:
    print(item.path_to_root()[-1])  # get root
                                    # last element in list
<Category root>
<Category root>
[<Category root>]

<Category foo>
<Category root>
[<Category foo>, <Category root>]

<Category bar>
<Category root>
[<Category bar>, <Category foo>, <Category root>]

<Category baz>
<Category root>
[<Category baz>, <Category bar>, <Category foo>, <Category root>]

<Category foo1>
<Category root>
[<Category foo1>, <Category root>]

<Category bar1>
<Category root>
[<Category bar1>, <Category foo1>, <Category root>]

<Category baz1>
<Category root>
[<Category baz1>, <Category foo1>, <Category root>]

Full code

from pprint import pprint
from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

from sqlalchemy_mptt.mixins import BaseNestedSets

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:////tmp/test.db'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

class Category(db.Model, BaseNestedSets):
    __tablename__ = 'categories'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(400), index=True, unique=True)
    items = db.relationship("Product", backref='item', lazy='dynamic')

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Category {}>'.format(self.name)

class Product(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'products'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    category_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('categories.id'))
    name = db.Column(db.String(475), index=True)

db.session.add(Category(name="root"))  # root node
db.session.add_all(  # first branch of tree
        Category(name="foo", parent_id=1),
        Category(name="bar", parent_id=2),
        Category(name="baz", parent_id=3),
db.session.add_all(  # second branch of tree
        Category(name="foo1", parent_id=1),
        Category(name="bar1", parent_id=5),
        Category(name="baz1", parent_id=5),

"id"  "name"  "lft"  "rgt"  "level"  "parent_id"  "tree_id"
1     "root"  1      14     1        1
2     "foo"   2      7      2        1            1
3     "bar"   3      6      3        2            1
4     "baz"   4      5      4        3            1
5     "foo1"  8      13     2        1            1
6     "bar1"  9      10     3        5            1
7     "baz1"  11     12     3        5            1

root lft everytime = 1
root rgt = qty_nodes * 2

  1                  1(root)14
                |                   |
  2          2(foo)7             8(foo1)13
                |               /         \
  3          3(bar)6        9(bar1)10   11(baz1)12
  4          4(baz)5


categories = Category.query.all()

for item in categories:

<Category root>
[{'children': [{'children': [{'children': [{'node': <Category baz>}],
                              'node': <Category bar>}],
                'node': <Category foo>},
               {'children': [{'node': <Category bar1>},
                             {'node': <Category baz1>}],
                'node': <Category foo1>}],
  'node': <Category root>}]

<Category foo>
[{'children': [{'children': [{'node': <Category baz>}],
                'node': <Category bar>}],
  'node': <Category foo>}]

<Category bar>
[{'children': [{'node': <Category baz>}], 'node': <Category bar>}]

<Category baz>
[{'node': <Category baz>}]

<Category foo1>
[{'children': [{'node': <Category bar1>}, {'node': <Category baz1>}],
  'node': <Category foo1>}]

<Category bar1>
[{'node': <Category bar1>}]

<Category baz1>
[{'node': <Category baz1>}]

for item in categories:

<Category root>
<Category root>
[<Category root>]

<Category foo>
<Category root>
[<Category foo>, <Category root>]

<Category bar>
<Category root>
[<Category bar>, <Category foo>, <Category root>]

<Category baz>
<Category root>
[<Category baz>, <Category bar>, <Category foo>, <Category root>]

<Category foo1>
<Category root>
[<Category foo1>, <Category root>]

<Category bar1>
<Category root>
[<Category bar1>, <Category foo1>, <Category root>]

<Category baz1>
<Category root>
[<Category baz1>, <Category foo1>, <Category root>]